“Oddly Aggressive”

Those were the exact words of a friend of mine who witnessed a conversation between me and a twitter follower over the shooting of Paul O’Neal (a criminal who stole a convertible Jag, led police on a high speed car chase through a residential neighborhood in Chicago and got shot dead as a result.) Those are the words my friend used to describe someone with an ass for an avi. Someone who had been baiting, bullying, taunting and mocking me (which crossed occasionally into TOTAL disrespect.) But, at the age of 50, do you really think that I’ve never been made fun of before? LOL!!! I don’t get mad. I get even. By blocking people. I sometimes wish I could block people out of my life. Oh wait, I can. And I DO.

I hated for any of you to have to see that ugliness, but I do sometimes blow my lid. At bullies. On the Internet. The thing is, I really do pride myself on my ability to NOT stoop to their level. But, sometimes, even someone as cool as me will take the bait. And when I do, I tend to default to “muthafucka” a LOT. LMAO!!! But, I am now feeling inspired! YEA!!! MORE stuff for me to focus on “behind the scenes.” I already threw it out there on twitter. A YouTube channel. Of course!!! EVERYONE has a YouTube channel! I want to have heated political discussions. Talk about other important topics. Maybe throw a chair at someone. LOL!!! Okay, I’m kidding about the chair part! Maybe, LMAO!!! I’ll keep you posted.

The 17th of August is a date that I have circled on my calendar. Many of you already know what is happening on the 17th. To the others, you *might* have to wait until the 17th for the official announcement. It’s YUGE, though! I’m excited. Excited! EXCITED!!!

So, Donald Trump went from “Fuck awl yawl!” to “Endorsements for ERRBODY!!!” in just a couple of days??? Is that supposed to make him “feel” more presidential? Is that going to make him LOOK more presidential??? Is that intended to make him ***BE*** more presidential!?!?! “Is truth the light? IS TRUTH THE LIGHT?!?!?” LMAO!!!!! Trump is soooooooooo done and what he done gone and did, he did it to himself.

You know who I like? The “My Pillow” guy. He seems like a nice guy.

Okay. Where was I? Oh! Trump. He’s an ASSHOLE. And if you are a Trump supporter, you are most likely an ASSHOLE, too. Blocks: Don’t be “that guy.” I’ve blocked clients THAT I LIKE from being able to reach me…because…they pissed me the fuck off. So, imagine what I’d do to an internet TROLL that I’ve never met in my life??? I get pissed. I block. I calm down. I move on. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. I’ve had no coffee yet, so I will be signing off shortly.

Shortly, meaning, now.

Have a nice day! I’m in CT. Heading back into the city today. Home to DC for a few days and then Palm Springs (next weekend!) Just so you know where I’m at.

About karsinknightly

Just a cool, happy guy! View all posts by karsinknightly

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